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Reflection on choreography and creation - 29.07.2022

This post provides insight into how my research process has and will influence my choreographic creation

Creation: a 15-20 minute outdoor dance film, shot in natural spaces in Iceland

I have begun creating a duet that will cover one section of the film. I chose a duet as I have been exploring the idea of 'moving with nature' rather than 'in nature', therefore the sense of a 'duet with nature' felt like a relevant choice. It has movements inspired by Qi Gong, as the practice is highly relevant to my line of inquiry, as well as having incorporated into my own practice as part of the autoethnographic aspect of this project. I have also tried to incorporate fractals (geometric patterns of nature), both in terms of timings and visual flowing shapes. I have found it very helpful to both do a Qi Gong class and watching videos of different fractal patterns before entering the creative mind-space, as it sets me up in the state of being I need and that I keep coming across in my research. Furthermore, what I have found helpful when creating, is taking on board Suprapto Suryodarmo's idea that each moment is constantly reshaping itself and changing in flux. Therefore, being aware of the space I will be dancing in is vital when it comes to the final result of the creation. So, letting the environment influence the choreographic decisions I make, has provided me with innovative movement explorations and sensations to take on board and showcase in my creation.


The idea behind the group section, which is quite gestural, both flowy and dynamic, and has a sense of 'togetherness', is drawn from various aspects of my research, in attempt to tie them together. I have chosen to incorporate gestural movements as Suryodarmo's Amerta Movement practice is generated from pedestrian movements; walking, crawling etc. Furthermore, by using those types of movements and shapes, I found it easier to blend in fractal patterns and the idea of shifting the energy, which is an idea taken from Qi Gong. The group section will partly be danced in water, therefore when creating I have made sure to include the environment in the choreography, again to match the idea of 'dancing with nature'; not solely dancing in a nice space but utilising the environment in motion. The idea of togetherness in the section was taken from my initial line of inquiry about blurring the lines between body and environment, and how nature's influence on the choreography can be reflected in the overall image with a sense of harmony between the two. Moreover, I found it very interesting reading about and listening to how one's attention span can be positively affected by spending time outdoors. As this was also in line with my own experience, I wanted to see how that could possibly be included in the choreography. As I was creating I found that this particular idea displayed itself in dynamics and dynamic changes. Small, detailed, quick movements going into sustained, grand, etheral motions resemble the shift between fluctuating attention and then the ability to be present in your body, environment and the present moment.

Once I start rehearsing with my dancers I believe the ideas will become more translucent, and furthermore showcase any elements that may not work as I intend them to.

Until next time,



Íris ásmundar


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